Featuring COVID Aware Because We Care Designated Business, Uffda Shop!
Featuring COVID Aware Because We Care Designated Business, Uffda Shop!Q; What measures have you implemented in your business that you would like customers to know about?A: We monitor the entrance and allow a maximum of 10 customers in the store at a time. Plexiglass has been installed at our checkouts and jewelry cases. There are 6 foot spacing arrows throughout the sales floor. We offer touchless credit card processing. All surfaces are cleaned regularly.Q: Do you require your employees and/or customers to wear a mask in your business?A: Yes, both employees and customers.Q: Are you taking measures that exceed State and CDC requirements and if so how?A: We require that everyone sanitize their hands when they come in. We have Unscented, Lavender and Lemongrass sanitizers.Q: Do you have new hours or sales specials that you would like customers to know about?A: We are open 10-5 Monday thru Saturday and 12-4 Sundays. New merchandise is arriving daily.Q: How has your business been affected by COVID?A: We experienced a large drop in sales the 3 months we were closed, but thankfully no employees or customers we know of have contracted the virus.Q: Is there an additional message you would like to share with your customers/the community?A: We urge all our fellow businesses and customers to stay vigilant because there could be a resurgence if we all don't.